05-24【常文】五教5407 Geometric models for the hearts in the derived category of a gentle algebra系列报告


报告题目: Geometric models for the hearts in the derived category of a gentle algebra

报告人: 常文,陕西师范大学



摘要: We give a geometric model for any length heart in the derived category of a gentle algebra, which is equivalent to the module category of some gentle algebra. To do this, we deform the geometric model for the module category of a gentle algebra given in [BC21], and then embed it into the geometric model of the derived category given in [OPS18], in the sense that each so-called zigzag curve on the surface represents an indecomposable module as well as the minimal projective resolution of this module. A key point of this embedding is to give a geometric explanation of the dual between the simple modules and the projective modules. Such a blend of two geometric models provides us with a handy way to describe the homological properties of a module within the framework of the derived category. In particular, we realize any higher Yoneda-extension as a polygon on the surface, and realize the Yoneda-product as gluing of these polygons.

